The Guy Seems Interested But Doesn’t Ask for Your Number… What’s Up with That?

The Guy Seems Interested But Doesn’t Ask for Your Number… What’s Up with That?

For a time, ever since my life transformation I’ve experienced a weird phenomenon with certain men. The guy approaches me. He’s extremely interested, has a nice conversation with me, but then leaves without asking me for my information to connect again. At first I think, 

Lynn Gilliard is the author of a popular relationship guide entitled Let Him Chase YOU. Her latest book Sing While You’re Single offers advice to women who want to remain single for the time being while still maintaining their belief in the power and possibility of love.

A Man Should Not (and Cannot Truly) Complete You

A Man Should Not (and Cannot Truly) Complete You

As young girls and young women we’re taught by our parents and the media that having a man is a part of being a complete woman. It happens both subconsciously and blatantly: – “one day you’ll grow up, get married and have a big wedding” 

Lynn Gilliard is the author of a popular relationship guide entitled Let Him Chase YOU. Her latest book Sing While You’re Single offers advice to women who want to remain single for the time being while still maintaining their belief in the power and possibility of love.