Tag: dating

Can We Stop Lying to Young Girls and Women?

Can We Stop Lying to Young Girls and Women?

Celebrities, reality stars, social influencers, and everyday women do young girls a disservice by pretending that their relationships are “perfect.” Tell them the truth about life and relationships so that they can make better choices. Recently a popular reality television personality from a show that 

Lynn Gilliard is the author of a popular relationship guide entitled Let Him Chase YOU. Her latest book Sing While You’re Single offers advice to women who want to remain single for the time being while still maintaining their belief in the power and possibility of love.

Why Men Pull Away

Why Men Pull Away

A common question that many women have whether they are in a relationship or just dating is, why do men pull away? At the beginning of the relationship or the first few dates, he seems so into you. He is going out of his way 

Lynn Gilliard is the author of a popular relationship guide entitled Let Him Chase YOU. Her latest book Sing While You’re Single offers advice to women who want to remain single for the time being while still maintaining their belief in the power and possibility of love.

Let Him Chase YOU

Let Him Chase YOU

So many women of today have been brainwashed to think that they have to chase after men in order to have one.

But the truth is that when you chase after a man, all he does is RUN!

The best course of action is to relax, be confident, love yourself, take care of YOURSELF and let men chase YOU.

Let Him Chase YOU is a dating advice book for women that discusses exactly why this process is necessary if you want a healthy long term relationship with a great guy.

makehimchaseyouLove and light, always!

Lynn Gilliard

Lynn Gilliard is the author of a popular relationship guide entitled Let Him Chase YOU. Her latest book Sing While You’re Single offers advice to women who want to remain single for the time being while still maintaining their belief in the power and possibility of love.