As young girls and young women we’re taught by our parents and the media that having a man is a part of being a complete woman.
It happens both subconsciously and blatantly:
– “one day you’ll grow up, get married and have a big wedding” (as a young girl you start to believe that the main goal of LIFE is that wedding)
– “when are you going to have kids?” (an act which requires a man)
– movies, TV shows, magazine articles tailored for women that only focus on how to compete, “win” and keep a man
So it’s easy to get caught up in the idea that you need a man to complete you.
But the truth is that a man should not complete who you are — he should be a special companion to an already complete and whole you.
One of the top reasons why so many women get into abusive or unfulfilling relationships with men is that they are searching for that someone or something to complete them. What happens instead is that either the man breaks down her self esteem even more OR leaves her and she’s back to feeling “incomplete” without the guy.
When you’re a whole and complete person all by yourself you might want a man, but you won’t need one in order to be okay.
Being in a happy relationship but not NEEDING the relationship in order to BE happy and complete is a very powerful place to be in as a woman.
Do you think you can get there?
I think so.
Love Lynn
Lynn Gilliard is the author of a popular relationship guide entitled Let Him Chase YOU. Her latest book Sing While You’re Single offers advice to women who want to remain single for the time being while still maintaining their belief in the power and possibility of love.