Tag: dating advice

Men Do Want to Know That You’re Interested

Men Do Want to Know That You’re Interested

A lot of women (myself included) believe that when you first meet a guy, playing hard to get is the right way to go. That may be true to a certain extent, but not to the point of indifference (not answering messages, acting as if 

Lynn Gilliard is the author of a popular relationship guide entitled Let Him Chase YOU. Her latest book Sing While You’re Single offers advice to women who want to remain single for the time being while still maintaining their belief in the power and possibility of love.

When True Love Calls, Answering Isn’t Really an Option

When True Love Calls, Answering Isn’t Really an Option

I am a strong believer in soul mates — mostly because I believe I have met one of mine. My definition of a soul mate is someone who you can experience the ultimate feeling of love with in life. A true partner. There are people 

Lynn Gilliard is the author of a popular relationship guide entitled Let Him Chase YOU. Her latest book Sing While You’re Single offers advice to women who want to remain single for the time being while still maintaining their belief in the power and possibility of love.

I Dated You Before… Didn’t I?

I Dated You Before… Didn’t I?

Have you ever met a new guy who you were interested in and got a feeling of déjà vu? He talks, walks, and has the same mannerisms or behaviors as another guy you’ve known before. He may even look like the guy you dated in the past. Bottomline you’ve met this guy before, just in a different body.

If this happens to you a lot, that may be because you are unconsciously sending off signals to attract the same type of guy into your life time and time again.

This happens a lot to women who go from one abusive relationship to the next.

There’s a theory that says we continually entertain the same types of men because we are trying to make it right with that other guy from the past. Only problem is, it usually doesn’t get better — history just repeats itself and you get hurt again.

So as much as you swear it will be different this time, you’ll most likely do and say the same things with this guy as you did with the other. You will likely fall into all of the same traps because as humans we tend to be creatures of habit.

So once you realize that you’ve dated the same type of guy before, the next move is on you. Will you continue to date this guy (knowing that you may be trying to make it right with that guy from your past) and risk being hurt again? Or will you take control over the situation this time and say no thanks to repeating history?

The choice is on you — whichever one you make, keep these thoughts in mind.

Love Lynn


Lynn Gilliard is the author of a popular relationship guide entitled Let Him Chase YOU. Her latest book Sing While You’re Single offers advice to women who want to remain single for the time being while still maintaining their belief in the power and possibility of love.

Dating Advice: The Eyes Are the Gateway to the Soul

Dating Advice: The Eyes Are the Gateway to the Soul

We are our souls. Our souls are the essence of who we REALLY are — not our physical bodies. So it doesn’t matter how tall, muscular and good looking a person is on the outside, if the soul is ugly he is ugly, period. Do 

Lynn Gilliard is the author of a popular relationship guide entitled Let Him Chase YOU. Her latest book Sing While You’re Single offers advice to women who want to remain single for the time being while still maintaining their belief in the power and possibility of love.

The Guy Seems Interested But Doesn’t Ask for Your Number… What’s Up with That?

The Guy Seems Interested But Doesn’t Ask for Your Number… What’s Up with That?

For a time, ever since my life transformation I’ve experienced a weird phenomenon with certain men. The guy approaches me. He’s extremely interested, has a nice conversation with me, but then leaves without asking me for my information to connect again. At first I think, 

Lynn Gilliard is the author of a popular relationship guide entitled Let Him Chase YOU. Her latest book Sing While You’re Single offers advice to women who want to remain single for the time being while still maintaining their belief in the power and possibility of love.

A Man Should Not (and Cannot Truly) Complete You

A Man Should Not (and Cannot Truly) Complete You

As young girls and young women we’re taught by our parents and the media that having a man is a part of being a complete woman.

It happens both subconsciously and blatantly:

– “one day you’ll grow up, get married and have a big wedding” (as a young girl you start to believe that the main goal of LIFE is that wedding)

– “when are you going to have kids?” (an act which requires a man)

– movies, TV shows, magazine articles tailored for women that only focus on how to compete, “win” and keep a man

So it’s easy to get caught up in the idea that you need a man to complete you.

But the truth is that a man should not complete who you are — he should be a special companion to an already complete and whole you.

One of the top reasons why so many women get into abusive or unfulfilling relationships with men is that they are searching for that someone or something to complete them. What happens instead is that either the man breaks down her self esteem even more OR leaves her and she’s back to feeling “incomplete” without the guy.

When you’re a whole and complete person all by yourself you might want a man, but you won’t need one in order to be okay.

Being in a happy relationship but not NEEDING the relationship in order to BE happy and complete is a very powerful place to be in as a woman.

Do you think you can get there?

I think so.

Love Lynn



Lynn Gilliard is the author of a popular relationship guide entitled Let Him Chase YOU. Her latest book Sing While You’re Single offers advice to women who want to remain single for the time being while still maintaining their belief in the power and possibility of love.

Let Him Chase Me? But, Isn’t Persistence Key? Women Ask

Let Him Chase Me? But, Isn’t Persistence Key? Women Ask

In my books and blogs I advise women to let men chase you, but some women don’t quite get it. They’ve been taught that they have to go after the man that they want HARD and do whatever it takes to get him. They believe 

Lynn Gilliard is the author of a popular relationship guide entitled Let Him Chase YOU. Her latest book Sing While You’re Single offers advice to women who want to remain single for the time being while still maintaining their belief in the power and possibility of love.

Want a Good Relationship? Conquer Your Fear of Rejection

Want a Good Relationship? Conquer Your Fear of Rejection

The fear of rejection isn’t a problem that only men deal with. Countless women also struggle with this fear. Men deal with rejection early on in the dating process while women deal with it later on. The fear usually kicks in right after a woman 

Lynn Gilliard is the author of a popular relationship guide entitled Let Him Chase YOU. Her latest book Sing While You’re Single offers advice to women who want to remain single for the time being while still maintaining their belief in the power and possibility of love.

Why Men Pull Away

Why Men Pull Away

A common question that many women have whether they are in a relationship or just dating is, why do men pull away?

At the beginning of the relationship or the first few dates, he seems so into you. He is going out of his way to make you happy and to please you.

But eventually, something changes…

Well there are a few reasons why men pull away and what you can do about it to protect your feelings and sanity:

1) Sex has happened, so you are no longer a conquest — he has conquered.
Do not have sex with a man until you have formed a REAL bond with him that goes far beyond physical attraction. That way, when sex does happen there’s still something that keeps the interest you have for each other alive.

2) He thinks that you are getting a little too attached, and he’s not sure if he wants to be your man.
Keep dating other guys since you’re not in a relationship. If he asks if you are dating other guys, tell him “Yes I am. Problem?” Watch how things start to change. (I discuss this in more detail in my dating guide Let Him Chase YOU).

3) Your low self-esteem and insecurity is bringing him down.
Energy is real. Guys can sense when you have low-self esteem and it brings a bad energy into your union that he wants to escape desperately. Have some confidence in yourself girl!

These are just a few reasons why men pull away. You might find yourself in one of them if you dig deep and tell the truth to yourself. Thankfully, the solutions are VERY simple, and they all start with you.

Love Lynn


Lynn Gilliard is the author of a popular relationship guide entitled Let Him Chase YOU. Her latest book Sing While You’re Single offers advice to women who want to remain single for the time being while still maintaining their belief in the power and possibility of love.